CATI Cadaver Course


(1) Commercial/Marketing:  We would like to capture the “essence” of the entire event.  This would include the welcome event and the cadaver course. Think like a 1 minute or 2 minute commercial or highlight reel.  The goal of this video is to make us look sooooo legit. AND of course to sell tickets to next year’s course and other courses we offer. 
(2) Live Stream:  We would like to film one of the cadaver tables and broadcast it live on a screen in the room. It could be a slight delay, that’s ok, but the idea is to watch it live.  If possible, we would also like to consider live streaming it on a website at the same time.  This would be BOTH morning and afternoon sections.
(3) Recording:  We would like to film one cadaver group end to end (morning or afternoon).  That means roughly 2-2.5 hours or so.  This doesn’t need to be edited other than adding a title, maybe a little page about copyright/protection of the patient, and a closing page.  This would be content we could sell as an ongoing virtual course.  Our website doesn’t have this capability yet, but we would like to build this out this year and thus want to capture it. 


Event Promo Video Package: 

  • 2 days of event highlight videography.
  • 1-2 Minute highlight commercial delivered.

Livestream Package:

  • Livestream system package and Technical Director.
  • X2 Cameras: Medium Shot of Speaker, Close Up Overhead Shot of Cadaver
  • X1 Audio Kit (lav + Stationary Boom)
  • Video Feed to on-site “client” projector
  • Video Stream to online platform (Zoom or similar)

Recorded Cadaver Course:

  • Entire course cut together with multiple angles, intro and outro sequence, and copywrite/protection of patient page.

total investment


Add Ons:

LiveU Unit to ensure perfect internet connection:



*This propsal is valid for 30 days

We are so excited to get started on this project with you! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Jill Coats, Owner

Phone: 719-210-2593


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